Hexapod Walker Robotics Kit
Quadrapod Walker Robotics Kit
Hitec Servos
Sanyo Batteries
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Combo Kits
The combos have every thing you need to get started except tools and a Basic Stamp program which you will design to your specifications.
The combos have the robot kit, a Parallax Basic Stamp 2sx w/Board of Education carrier board now with USB programming cable, Parallax Servo controller(2 for Hexapod,1 for Quadrapod), 2 2700 mAh batteries, battery charger, connectors, and manual.
Hexapod Combo Grade I
Price : $734.00
Hexapod Combo Grade II
Price : $834.00
Quadrapod Combo Grade I
Price : $544.00
Quadrapod Combo Grade II
Price : $644.00